- Hand selects the finest materials to insure best wood grain and color consistency. All wood materials are kilned dry at least 20 days to reach moisture content of 8% and below.
- SAP Stain/Equalizer Process (REL stain base): A stain base agent is applied to prepare the surface of the materials achieve its consistency.
- Pre Stain Process also called smooth coat (NGR/REL stain): A non-grain-raising stain is applied to maximize the smoothness of the surface.
- Body Stain Process (REL save stain); A REL save stain is applied as base coat to enrich the color of the finish.
- Wash Coat Process: A 7% - 10% clear Lacquer or Vinyl wash coat is applied as the first durable sealer.
- Sanding Process: Hand sand process completes the smoothness of the finish.
- High Lighting process: Hand wiped process brings out the beauty of natural wood.
- 2nd coat of sealing process.
- 2nd Sanding process (hand sand).
- Surface distress (if applicable).
- First Lacquer process.
- Padding Stain: Hand padding stain process to bring out the natural contrast of the wood finish.
- 2nd Lacquer process.
- 3rd Sanding process (hand sanding).
- Top coat process: Oven baking process creates a durable, long lasting top coat.